Regular Meeting of Council

Council Chambers
Morinville Civic Hall

Presenter: Mayor S. Boersma

  • Recommended Motion:

    That Council approve the agenda as presented.

  • Recommended Motion:

    That Council approve the following items on the Consent Agenda and respective recommendations.

Presenter:  Mayor S. Boersma

There are no Public Hearings Scheduled.

Presenter:  Mayor S. Boersma

  • Recommended Motion:

    That Council approve the January 28, 2025, Regular Meeting of Council minutes.

Presenter:  Mayor S. Boersma

Presenter:  Mayor S. Boersma

There are no scheduled Delegations

Presenter:  Mayor S. Boersma

There are no scheduled Public Presenters.

Members of the public in attendance at the meeting will be provided with an opportunity to address Council regarding an item on the agenda, with the exception of those items for which a Public Hearing is required or has been held. Each individual will be allowed a maximum of five (5) minutes.



There are no scheduled Bylaw Items. 

Presenter: T. Van Koughnett, Interim Manager, Financial Services

  • Recommended Motion:

    That Council accept the Audit Engagement and Planning Letters as information and authorize Mayor Boersma to sign the response letter to the auditor regarding the standard annual question of Council’s awareness of any of actual, suspected, or alleged fraud.



There are no scheduled Policy Items. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    That Council move into Committee of the Whole.

    Mayor S. Boersma pass the Chair to Deputy Mayor R. Balanko. 

Presenter: Deputy Mayor R. Balanko

Presenter: T. Nosko, Acting Chief Administrative Officer

  • Recommended Motion:

    That Committee accept the CAO Report as information.

Presenter: R. Gilbert, Legislative & Corporate Initiatives Coordinator

  • Recommended Motion:

    That Committee accept the Action Tracking List as information.

Presenter: Mayor S. Boersma

  • Recommended Motion:

    That Committee move into Regular Meeting of Council.

    Deputy Mayor R. Balanko pass the Chair to Mayor S. Boersma.

  • Recommended Motion:

    That Council direct Administration to bring forward a draft Council Remuneration Policy that includes the following amendments based on the discussion at Committee of the Whole.

Presenter:  Mayor S. Boersma

  • Recommended Motion:

    That Council direct Administration to bring Morinville’s current Snow and Ice Control Policy for review, specifically the minimum snow accumulation levels that trigger full snow clearing operations, with a focus on: 

    1. The impact of compacted snow turning to ice before reaching the clearing threshold.
    2. Potential adjustments to the policy to address ice formation caused by compacted snow, including but not limited to: 

    • Potentially lowering the threshold for snow removal. 

    • Implementing additional ice mitigation measures. 

    • Identifying best practices from comparable municipalities. 

    • Operational and budgetary implications of any proposed changes for 2026 Budget preparations.

Presenter:  Mayor S. Boersma

Presenter: Mayor S. Boersma

There are no scheduled Closed Session Items. 

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